Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Secret Teaser Shot for "Avengers"?

We don't like to ruin any big surprises, but this news was too good to pass up. I love surprise/secret teaser trailers that we don't know are coming (well not anymore), as they're so much more exciting to experience when they are unveiled. Ain't It Cool News is reporting that Marvel has already shot a teaser trailer for The Avengers that will most likely (but so far unconfirmed) show in front of Thor and/or Captain America this summer. This is big news because Joss Whedon hasn't actually started rolling cameras on The Avengers yet, even though its due out in 2012. Additionally, if you want to hear a few more spoilers about this, read on.

Spoilers from this point on - you've been warned! Harry Knowles of AICN says this teaser includes Loki, the villain from Thor played by British actor Tom Hiddleston and evil brother of that superhero, who has long been rumored to be one of the primary villains in Marvel's The Avengers movie, which Joss Whedon is directing. Additionally, Latino Review says they've learned that Loki is indeed going to be the main villain in Avengers, but that's not all... Apparently he'll be using the cosmic cube (last seen being held by Red Skull) to bring in the aliens known as The Skrulls, who will also be one of Avengers villains, although to what extent we're not sure, or if it might be another big setup for a cinematic universe following The Avengers of 2012.

We've written about this exact situation before - specifically that Loki and The Skrulls would be the villains in The Avengers movie, not the Hulk (which was the original rumor tied to various comic storylines as well). We will not reveal any details about the teaser, not that any are known yet, but that's something that despite now knowing it's coming, I would rather wait and be surprised watching it in theaters before Thor than read about it online. I have a feeling it will be short like a real teaser, but will show Loki kicking ass or coming to Earth. And if you're in a theater packed full of geeks, there is going to be some very loud cheering after this.

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